Team Water world champion MSL
Previously achieved results are no guarantee for the future, as was demonstrated once again in the final match of the Middle Size League. Team Tech United Eindhoven had reached the final unbeaten and without a single goal against them, but the Chinese team Water turned out to be the stronger…
Tech United in the finals!
This morning at 9:30h, current world champion Tech United won the semi-final match against CAMBADA in the Middle Size League with 6-0. This means they qualified themselves for the final! The final match will take place at 3PM today. Team Water won against BITAC with 8-0…
Dutch Teams in Action
Dutch teams are active in a number of leagues. Today and tomorrow, they will show their worth several times. Below is a short overview of the schedules of Dutch teams in five different leagues: Middle Size soccer, AdultSize Humanoid soccer, Standard Platform soccer, RoboCup@Home and RoboCup@Work.
Middle Size…
The Netherlands in the Junior League
Apart from the Major League, there are also several Dutch teams in the Junior League. Amongst them is the Rescue team Humblebot (in the Secondary category, ages 15-19). This team is made up of two boys, whose school teacher had asked them to participate in this tournament. Even between…
Lesser-Known Leagues: Festo Logistics and RoboCup@Work
In addition to the well-known soccer, care and rescue robots, there are also robots at RoboCup competing in less known competitions. Two of these competitions are the RoboCup@Work League, with teams searching for applications for robots in work environments (in some respects, it is comparable with the RoboCup…